

Wodielite was founded on 2003 by Juan Carlos Pérez De Castro, to supply custom fixtures, consulting and technical production for the entertainment industry. Our goal is to supply any custom system and give technical support to any production on the road. Since 2005 Wodielite also gives dedicated training for entertainment rental companies. By 2007 Wodielite started to innovate on the video market launching its own media server.

Landmarks include technologies developed for shows like Spider-Man 2 (2003) and Disney's Mickey's Magic Mirror (2004).

Wodielite increased its capabilities over the next years through a number of strategic partnerships, including lighting and audio companies such as Turavisión S.A. de C.V. (2004).

On January 2011, Wodielite starts with video production and post-production services as well as internet video streaming.

By September 2011, software based MIDI translation software is announced, enabling the use of "On PC" lighting software to be controlled by MIDI control surfaces.

On March, 2012, a custom software and hardware is released upon a request from Luminotecnia. This computerized system is capable to control special effects like CO2, flames, bubble machines and other FX systems.

By June 2012, ArtMedia software is released with new features to supply new video applications.

By the end of 2013 automation is added to the services offered by creating a strategic partnership with the automation leader company in United States.

Spot Interactive system is launched in May 2016 as a system that will change forever the classic way for using follow spots in the show business.