RTCM Firmware upgrading: Revision history

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11 December 2023

  • curprev 18:5118:51, 11 December 2023Wodie talk contribs 11,404 bytes +11,404 Created page with "Category:How to = Introduction = The firmware in the RTCM and VOTER is the same, except it is compiled for the specific dsPIC that is installed in each. As such, the firmware is specific to the VOTER or the RTCM, and is '''NOT''' interchangeable (it '''won't''' boot in the wrong device). Firmware specific for the RTCM is denoted by '''-smt''' in the filename. The VOTER uses a ''dsPIC33FJ128GP802'' and the RTCM uses a ''dsPIC33FJ128GP804''. There is different perip..."